A rendering has emerged showing the latest plans for the former Churches Chicken site at Delmar and Skinker in the Loop.
According to marketing materials obtained by CityScene STL, the new building will rise 6-stories at the Southeast corner of Delmar and Skinker and include 4000SF of retail space, parking a hotel and/or some apartments. The site previously had a proposal for a single story Chase Bank, but those plans were not viewed favorably by the neighbors, Loop business owners, and urbanists in general. Prior to Chase Bank, there was a proposal for a Ferris Wheel and Beer Garden.
The latest proposal apparently comes from Green Street, the developer behind the Armory, some projects in Forest Park Southeast and a codeveloper in the Chroma project. 6190 Delmar, as it is being marketed, will adequately address the Delmar frontage as well as a portion of the Skinker frontage.
Skinker will be home to the parking garage entrance, which is located on the second floor, and the entrance to the lobby for either the hotel or apartments.

6190 Delmar will rise catty corner from Pace Properties' Link in the Loop project, which is anchored by CVS Pharmacy. Just East of here, the stalled Magic Mini Golf project will hopefully reside. That is another one of Joe Edwards' creations. Other recent additions on this block include the Everly on the Loop (2017) and the Moonrise Hotel (2008).
No timeline has been given on the project, but marketing materials specify a Q2 2021 delivery. Sources tell me that the building, as it appears in the rendering, will be different. The architecture firm, which wasn't named but is St. Louis based, is completing the latest design. 6190 Delmar will have to be reviewed by the Skinker-Debaliviere Neighborhood and other boards in the City of St. Louis. No word has been given on whether or not Green Street will seek tax incentives for this project.
I have reached out to Green Street for more information and have yet to hear back. This story will be updated when I do hear back.