In the coming weeks, a major development plan will be unveiled for over 8-acres in the Southtown area of the City. A development entity, by the name of Cornerstone Chippewa LLC, has acquired land formerly occupied by the Monsignor Louis F. Meyer Youth Center. The developer's name is John Clancy and his firm is based in Palm Beach Florida. According to Alderwoman Carol Howard (14th Ward), the development will reshape the Kingshighway street scene by adding market rate apartments and retail space to the neighborhood. The project will also fill in the large vacant parcel behind some buildings fronting Kingshighway. John Clancy, the developer, told the Southsider news that the project "will be very exciting".
As part of the development, Clancy is setting out on the redevelopment of the former Shop N' Save into a Planet Fitness and small grocery store. The exterior of the building will be altered to give the building a new look. A $1,065,000 building permit for interior and exterior alterations was applied for on April 25th but has yet to be issued.
It is assumed that Clancy is acquiring the old Armory/National Guard building at 4525 South Kingshighway to create a contiguous amount of space to carry out his project. Clancy nor Alderwoman Howard have given the full scope of the project beyond it being mixed use. What it means for the Armory and Car Repair Center fronting Kingshighway remains to be seen.
More information regarding the project should come out this month as deals and negotiations to acquire property will wrap up. The red and blue boxes in the first photo are owned by Clancy. Green is the Armory/National Guard building that could be bought by Clancy.
At 4510 South Kingshighway, Garcia properties is undertaking the redevelopment of the former YWCA building into 15 apartments and small offices. This project should wrap up in by the end of the year according to the Southsider and Garcia Properties' Berto Garcia. North of Chippewa, the former Ackerman Toyota dealer is for sale for $2.1 Million. Pace Properties is marketing the site. Finally, the old Applebee's at Kingshighway and Chippewa (yellow in the first photo) will become the region's first Hook and Reel Seafood Restaurant.
Any new updates on this project?