Last November, Kansas City based Abbott properties unveiled their $32 Million plans for the block bounded by 22nd, Locust, 21st and Washington in Downtown West. Plans there called for the renovation of 5 buildings and the addition of a new park. That development would be known as the "Locust Collaboration District Center and Park". Around the same time, KMOV put a small sentence at the bottom of their story, regarding the Locust project, that Abbott was also going to acquire and renovate the Holiday In on Lindell in the Central West End into a Hotel Indigo. Those 2 projects could still be in the works, but we haven't heard anything else since then.
Now, Abbott Properties is actively marketing, through real estate firm Salient, 4 projects within the Downtown West and Midtown Alley area. The addresses of the buildings are...
2008 Olive (Rendering Available)
2657 Washington (Rendering Available)
1917 Delmar (Rendering Available)
1909 Locust
All have plans for major renovations that are considered "build to suit". While all buildings will be geared towards retail space, office is also welcome as the "build to suit" designation allows for a multitude of uses to be considered.
Of the 4 projects, 1917 Delmar will see the largest transformation. Currently, as you can see at the end of the post, 1917 Delmar is a pretty boring building with little to no windows so it;s no wonder that a renovation is warranted to attract tenants. While 1917 Delmar is in a quieter part of Downtown, Salient is saying that the future NGA will be a plus for this building. I would like to add that the addition of having the Majestic Stove Lofts and the Franklin School apartments within a block of this location is also a plus. The future North-South MetroLink line will also ride down Delmar if the NGA alternative is chosen.
The other three properties are located in areas with close proximity to other up and coming districts. The Locust and Olive buildings are close to each other and lie in an area in between Union Station ad Washington Avenue. If the MLS Stadium is built, these locations will be smack in the center of a new neighborhood that will surely rise up around the Stadium. As for the Washington building, it is located one block North of the Jefferson Connector.
No cost or timeline has been provided for these projects but depending on how much interest they get, construction could start sooner rather than later. Because of this, I have attached the LoopNet pages with leasing data and contacts for my readers who may be interested in some space in these buildings.
2657 Washington: https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/2657-2659-Washington-Blvd-Saint-Louis-MO/15640487/
2008 Olive: https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/2008-Olive-St-Saint-Louis-MO/15640403/
1917 Delmar: https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/1917-1935-Delmar-Blvd-Saint-Louis-MO/15640312/
1909 Locust: https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/1909-Locust-St-Saint-Louis-MO/15640211/
Buildings in their current form...
Photos are in order of the links to the listings.
Renderings of the Collaboration District Center and the Jefferson Connector.